
Complete Food RecipeComplete
Liquid Cake v1.3 Weight Loss Tasty!
Updated 8 Mar '15 by cultofmonkey
11 reviews490 306 9 ingredients 2 photos £3.95 per day
soylent milkshake V 1.1 Weight Loss Ketogenic Tasty!
Updated 10 Oct '14 by Jason151
14 9 10 ingredients £2.51 per day
ketopls v1.0 Weight Loss Ketogenic
Updated 17 Mar '15 by mglanfield
7 15 ingredients £3.13 per day
UK RNI Simple Soylent Mark VI (2000 Kcal) Weight Loss Tasty!
Updated 1 Aug '16 by ollie_francis
3 reviews6 22 13 ingredients £2.13 per day
Synectar One 1800 kcal simplified UK version Weight Loss
Updated 6 Jan '20 by AMACD
2 6 9 ingredients £2.75 per day
Chocolate Keto Liquid Cake Weight Loss Ketogenic Tasty!
Updated 11 Jan '15 by mclaypool
2 13 12 ingredients £3.10 per day
petrogg's 1800kcal Mix Weight Loss
Updated 6 Jan '15 by petrogg
2 5 11 ingredients £2.99 per day
Lactose Intolerant Cake 1.1 Weight Loss
Updated 25 Sep '14 by CouchToToughGuy
2 10 ingredients 2 photos £7.01 per day
sab0tage's 1650cal-ish Mix Weight Loss Tasty!
Updated 15 Mar '15 by sab0tage
1 4 15 ingredients £2.74 per day
UK RNI/GDA brainfood boost, 2000 calories Weight Loss
Updated 14 Sep '14 by Danfood
1 12 ingredients £2.54 per day
KetoSludge Weight Loss Ketogenic
Updated 24 May '15 by samfields
1 1 12 ingredients £3.08 per day

Showing records 1 - 11 of 11
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