Roasted Nut Vanilla Ice Cream PrivateVegan

Last updated May 26, 2017 Copy
AmountVolumeIngredient$ / daySource
75gMacadamia Nuts$4.14Wheatsville
170gTapioca syrup$1.84Natural Grocers
135gOrganic Cane Sugar$0.75Amazon
0gLakanto Monk Fruit Sweetener$0.00Amazon
0gLakanto Drinking Chocolate$0.00Amazon
90mlSafflower Oil$1.20Wheatsville
28gPea Protein$0.41Amazon
30ml2tbspVanilla Flavoring$2.50
1.25mlHain Iodized Sea Salt$0.01Amazon
0.904gGuar Gum (0.1% of recipe mass) (if this number is no good try 2.722 grams next time)$0.03Amazon
Amounts for:
Total Daily Cost:
$18.57Add Ingredients
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  1. Roast nuts for 8-10 minutes at 350ยบ F (leave out flaxseed to preserve ALA n3 PUFAs)
  2. After roasting, add flaxseed and soak for several hours (or overnight) in refrigerator
  3. After soaking, put nuts & seeds into blender and blend
  4. In separate medium mixing bowl, mix sugar, maltodextrin, dextrose, pea protein, salt, and guar gum using a rubber spatula
  5. Add tapioca syrup & safflower oil to nut mixture then pour in dry ingredients; mix
  6. Chill ingredients then use ice cream maker as directed by manufacture

Yields 4 quarts

558.25 calories per pint

Total weight 6 lbs (2721.55 grams)

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Day
42% Carb, 6% Protein, 52% Fat
% Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate489g
Dietary Fiber 30g
Total Fat268g
Saturated Fat22g
Monounsaturated Fat154g
Polyunsaturated Fat69g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids13g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids44g
* Percent Daily Values are based on "Ice Cream Template - FULL FULL Cal". You may use the Nutrient Calculator to personalise your own profile, then select it from the list on the Recipe Editor tab.
Nutrient Profile: Ice Cream Template - FULL FULL CalChange

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