PHD Rations 1.1 Weight LossKetogenicBaked

Last updated January 3, 2016 Copy
AmountIngredientusd / daySource
25gAlmond Flourusd0.49Amazon
30gNow Foods WHEY PROTEINusd0.77Amazon
30mlCoconut Oilusd0.41Amazon
7gAmazing Grass ORAC Green SuperFoodusd0.65Amazon
75gBob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oat Flourusd0.41Amazon
10gNOW Foods Lecithin Granulesusd0.24Amazon
20gButter, saltedusd0.35
100gEgg, whole, raw, freshusd0.00
10gNuts, walnuts, black, driedusd0.00
10gSeeds, flaxseedusd0.00
10gWheat germ, crudeusd0.00
Amounts for:
Total Daily Cost:
usd3.31Add Ingredients
to Amazon Cart

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Day
20% Carb, 19% Protein, 61% Fat
% Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate69g
Dietary Fiber 17g
Total Fat92g
Saturated Fat41g
Monounsaturated Fat17g
Polyunsaturated Fat16g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids3g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids7g
* Percent Daily Values are based on "slhance's U.S. government DRI, female 19-30, Sedentary, Non-Lactating 1200". You may use the Nutrient Calculator to personalise your own profile, then select it from the list on the Recipe Editor tab.
Nutrient Profile: slhance's U.S. government DRI, female 19-30, Sedentary, Non-Lactating 1200Change

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