Meow Mix: special weightloss formula for human females Weight LossSolid

Last updated May 18, 2017 Copy
AmountIngredient$ / daySource
65gEAS pure whey protein powder, vanilla$1.29Target
100gSmucker's natural creamy peanut butter$0.62Wal*Mart
90gegg white, raw$0.34Wal*Mart
15gchia seeds, dried$0.26Wal*Mart
20gBetter Body Foods organic coconut flour$0.14Wal*Mart
60gFiber One cereal (ground)$0.46Wal*Mart
4gMorton lite salt$0.03Wal*Mart
1gcholine bitartrate$0.01Amazon
6gMSM sulfur powder$0.34Amazon
1pillNOW vitamin K (ground)$0.07Amazon
1pillNature Made multi for her (ground)$0.09Target
Amounts for:
Total Daily Cost:
$3.63Add Ingredients
to Amazon Cart

Grind cereal thoroughly for best results.

Contains a raw binder; made for baking.

  1. Blend ingredients into dough.
  2. Drop pieces onto cookie sheet and bake at 375°F for 8-10 minutes.

Note not very palatable; very dry; induces thirst

Originally copied from william099

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Day
29% Carb, 28% Protein, 43% Fat
% Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate95g
Dietary Fiber 46g
Total Fat63g
Saturated Fat13g
Monounsaturated Fat25g
Polyunsaturated Fat19g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids3g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids15g
* Percent Daily Values are based on "Female Sedentary - weight loss goal 1500 calories". You may use the Nutrient Calculator to personalise your own profile, then select it from the list on the Recipe Editor tab.
Nutrient Profile: Female Sedentary - weight loss goal 1500 caloriesChange

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