Deb: high fat, low carbohydrate, adiquate protein, intense Private

by mechgadgetLast updated April 30, 2017
Macro NutrientsAmountMax
Calories (kcal)28002900
Carbohydrates (g)2020
Protein (g)8097
Total Fat (g)267270
Saturated Fat (g)0
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)0
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)0
Total Fiber (g)2140
Soluble Fiber (g)0
Insoluble Fiber (g)0
Cholesterol (mg)0300
Vitamin A (IU)500010000
Vitamin B6 (mg)225
Vitamin B12 (ug)6
Vitamin C (mg)901000
Vitamin D (IU)8004000
Vitamin E (IU)30666.666
Vitamin K (ug)120
Thiamin (mg)1.5
Riboflavin (mg)1.7
Niacin (mg)2035
Folate (ug)4001000
Pantothenic Acid (mg)10
Biotin (ug)300
Choline (mg)5503500
Calcium (g)1.32.5
Chloride (g)2.33.6
Chromium (ug)120
Copper (mg)25
Iodine (ug)1250050000
Iron (mg)1825
Magnesium (mg)420
Manganese (mg)2.311
Molybdenum (ug)752000
Phosphorus (g)1.253
Potassium (g)4.7
Selenium (ug)100400
Sodium (g)1.52.3
Sulfur (g)2
Zinc (mg)1525
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Macronutrients are based on Atkins intense.

Iodine - 2 drops of Lugols Solution 5% is about 12.5 milligrams (mg ) or 12500 micrograms (ug). One tablet of Iordoral is the same.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for adults is 80-200 mcgs.

Other micronutrients use the EU RDAs, US DVs and highest adult values of the US DRIs and Nordic Nutrition Recommendations.

Wleniumhere micronutrients have a maximum listed, these are the lower of the US DRI Upper Tolerable Limits and the Nordic Upper Limits.

Whilst the UTL of vitamin A is set at 10000 IU, this limit refers to retinyl palmitate or retinol, which are pre-formed vitamin A. Beta carotene does not have such a limit.

Whilst the UTL for niacin is 35mg, this refers to the nicotinic acid form. Niacin in the nicotinamide (aka niacinamide) form does not cause harmful effects until a much higher level. There is a Nordic upper limit for the nicotinic acid form of niacin of 10mg. The limit for the nicotinamide form is 900mg.

Whilst I have not listed a UTL for magnesium, it is recommended not to get more than 350mg of magnesium from supplements. There is no limit for natural sources however.

There is a Nordic upper limit of 3700mg of potassium, but this is for supplements only so is not included.

Recommendation and upper limit given for vitamin E are for synthetic forms. Natural forms have different values.