Mexico's government DRI, male 19-50, 2000 calories

by nathaliesicardLast updated February 18, 2017
Macro NutrientsAmountMax
Calories (kcal)2000
Carbohydrates (g)233
Protein (g)78
Total Fat (g)92
Saturated Fat (g)0
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)1.6
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)17
Total Fiber (g)30
Soluble Fiber (g)0
Insoluble Fiber (g)0
Cholesterol (mg)0
Vitamin A (IU)189310000
Vitamin B6 (mg)0.93100
Vitamin B12 (ug)2.1
Vitamin C (mg)602000
Vitamin D (IU)2244000
Vitamin E (IU)161000
Vitamin K (ug)78
Thiamin (mg)0.8
Riboflavin (mg)0.84
Niacin (mg)1135
Folate (ug)3801000
Pantothenic Acid (mg)4
Biotin (ug)30
Choline (mg)5503500
Calcium (g)0.92.5
Chloride (g)2.33.6
Chromium (ug)22
Copper (mg)0.6510
Iodine (ug)991100
Iron (mg)1745
Magnesium (mg)248
Manganese (mg)2.311
Molybdenum (ug)452000
Phosphorus (g)0.6644
Potassium (g)3.5
Selenium (ug)41400
Sodium (g)0.52
Sulfur (g)2
Zinc (mg)1040
Compare to:

This is the nutrient profile based on Mexico's government's DRI standards, as expressed in the norm: NOM-051-SCFI-/SSA1- 2010.

I am using the macro ratio that Soylent 1.5 uses here, as follows:

Calories: 45% carbohydrate 40% fat 15% protein


  • The units in the norm are written in micrograms. To convert micrograms to IU, I used this tool.
  • Mexican government doesn't include in their recommendation Biotin or Choline. So that they're not left out, I just left the U.S. government recommendation there, instead of giving those vitamins a zero.
  • Mexican government recommends a daily intake of 2.2 mg of Fluoride. But this tool doesn't list that mineral, so I had to leave it out.
  • In regards of Sodium, I am including the WHO recommendation, because the Mexican government seems to base their recommendations on these evidence, as cited in this other norm. I wrote 500mg as a minimum per day, because the WHO says in this paper that the minimum intake of sodium should be 200–500 mg/day.
  • In regards of minerals, potassium, sulfur, chloride, manganese and molybdenum are not among the minerals recommended by the Mexican government, or at least, they are not listed. I also left the U.S. government values for reference.
  • In general, Mexican government doesn't has a recommendation for "max" intake, so I just left the U.S. government recommendation there for reference.
  • Also, the Mexican government hasn't published anything regarding fatty acids, therefore I used the Institute of Medicine's Dietary Reference Intakes for macronutrients, including linolenic acid (omega-6 fatty acid) and alpha linolenic acid (omega-3 fatty acid).

TotalChow Team - Mexico, 2015.