Squash, Indian, cooked, boiled (Navajo)

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Serving size:
ProximatesAmount in 100g
Water96.21 g
Energy16 kcal
Energy65 kJ
Protein0.31 g
Total lipid (fat)0.15 g
Ash0.1 g
Carbohydrate, by difference3.22 g
Fiber, total dietary1.5 g
Sugars, total2.02 g
Sucrose0.44 g
Glucose (dextrose)0.69 g
Fructose0.89 g
Nitrogen to Protein Conversion Factor
VitaminsAmount in 100g
Thiamin0.01 mg
Riboflavin0.015 mg
Niacin0.102 mg
Pantothenic acid0.06 mg
Vitamin B-60.033 mg
Folate, total7 µg
Folate, food7 µg