Oil, industrial, soy, refined, for woks and light frying

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Serving size:
ProximatesAmount in 100g
Energy884 kcal
Energy3699 kJ
Total lipid (fat)100 g
LipidsAmount in 100g
Fatty acids, total saturated15.34 g
14:00.094 g
16:010.41 g
17:00.105 g
18:04.041 g
20:00.335 g
22:00.355 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated21.701 g
16:1 undifferentiated0.123 g
16:1 c0.123 g
18:1 undifferentiated21.541 g
18:1 c21.541 g
20:10.037 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated58.208 g
18:2 undifferentiated51.296 g
18:2 n-6 c,c51.172 g
18:2 i0.124 g
18:3 undifferentiated6.912 g
18:3 n-3 c,c,c (ALA)6.912 g
Fatty acids, total trans0.124 g
Fatty acids, total trans-polyenoic0.124 g
Phytosterols250 mg
Fat Factor
MineralsAmount in 100g
Iron, Fe0.02 mg
VitaminsAmount in 100g
Choline, total0.2 mg
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)8.18 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)183.9 µg