Margarine-like, vegetable oil spread, 20% fat, with salt

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Serving size:
ProximatesAmount in 100g
Water78.8 g
Energy175 kcal
Energy732 kJ
Total lipid (fat)19.5 g
Ash1.3 g
Carbohydrate, by difference0.4 g
LipidsAmount in 100g
Fatty acids, total saturated2.87 g
16:02.03 g
18:00.84 g
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated7.48 g
18:1 undifferentiated7.45 g
20:10.04 g
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated8.04 g
18:2 undifferentiated7.84 g
18:3 undifferentiated0.16 g
Fat Factor
MineralsAmount in 100g
Magnesium, Mg1 mg
Phosphorus, P14 mg
Potassium, K25 mg
Sodium, Na733 mg
VitaminsAmount in 100g
Choline, total12.4 mg
Vitamin A, RAE819 µg
Retinol768 µg
Carotene, beta610 µg
Vitamin A, IU3577 IU
Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)4.5 mg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)70.9 µg