Frozen novelties, ice type, fruit, no sugar added

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Serving size:
ProximatesAmount in 100g
Water93.2 g
Energy24 kcal
Energy100 kJ
Protein0.5 g
Total lipid (fat)0.1 g
Ash0.1 g
Carbohydrate, by difference6.2 g
Carbohydrate Factor
Fat Factor
Protein Factor
Nitrogen to Protein Conversion Factor
MineralsAmount in 100g
Calcium, Ca2 mg
Iron, Fe0.13 mg
Magnesium, Mg2 mg
Potassium, K26 mg
Sodium, Na5 mg
Zinc, Zn0.04 mg
Copper, Cu0.017 mg
Manganese, Mn0.021 mg
VitaminsAmount in 100g
Selenium, Se0.2 µg
Niacin0.15 mg
Vitamin A, IU1 IU