Cocoa mix, NESTLE, Hot Cocoa Mix Rich Chocolate With Marshmallows

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Serving size:
ProximatesAmount in 100g
Water4.18 g
Energy400 kcal
Energy1674 kJ
Protein2.8 g
Total lipid (fat)15 g
Ash3.02 g
Carbohydrate, by difference75 g
Fiber, total dietary3.7 g
Sugars, total65 g
LipidsAmount in 100g
Fatty acids, total saturated15 g
Fatty acids, total trans0.23 g
Nestle USA, Inc.
MineralsAmount in 100g
Calcium, Ca80 mg
Iron, Fe1.8 mg
Sodium, Na800 mg
VitaminsAmount in 100g
Vitamin A, IU10 IU