RC1 Hububalli's Foodstuff Complete Drink UK 19-50 Male 2500kcal - UK figures PrivateTasty!

Last updated October 8, 2014 Copy
AmountIngredient£ / daySource
2000mlTap water£0.01Tap £0.0034375 per L
19gRayners Essentials Malt Extract£0.08Best4Deals
81mlGoldenfields Rapeseed Oil£0.14Tesco
8mlASDA Dark Soy sauce£0.03ASDA
160gSuperfast Oats£0.17ASDA
124gBarley flakes£0.23Ebay
107gAsda Brown Bread Flour£0.07ASDA
120gDoves Farm G/F Gram Flour 1g£0.23Best4Deals
5gLo Salt£0.02ASDA
0.9gASDA Table Salt£0.00ASDA
0gIsabels Gluten Free Xanthan Gum£0.00ASDA
2gMSM Sulfur Powder£0.04Ebay
0.5gCholine Bitartrate Powder£0.02Ebay
1pillHolland & Barrett ABC Plus Senior Caplets£0.08Holland & Barrett
0.5pillASDA Calcium & Vitamin D£0.01ASDA
0.2pillVitamin A 1500mcg Tablets£0.01Ebay
0.05pillBiotin Tablets, 5 mg, £0.00Ebay
Amounts for:
Total Daily Cost:
£1.16Add Ingredients
to Amazon Cart

Hububalli's Foodstuff Complete - 2500Kcal - UK RNI Guidelines

This recipe is based on a profile I made using UK RNI figures these are quite different from GDA/RDA figures. RNI is recommended daily nutritional intake, meaning this is how much you actually need not just an allowance.

It has taken me months to come up with this recipe, it has been through many many versions but I think this recipe is my first one that is ready to be released to the public, so please tell me what you think! I wanted to make something that tastes pleasant (but remaining neutral) and was cheap. I have tried to keep things in a good balance with good ratios and without excess of any particular elements where this is possible. There is currently only a recipe for Men ages 19-55, I am thinking about making a version for women, older people and pregnant women if the demand is there, if you are interested please leave a comment and I might get to it a bit sooner! Be aware that it is 2500kcal a day, for me with a moderately active life (I don't exercise on purpose, just a by product of my daily life) that is just right, but if you have a more stationary lifestyle or are prone to weight gain then it might be too much! You can always scale down the recipe to suite your needs.

I have fantasised about being food free since I was about 10. I hate eating and having to waste so much time buying, preparing, and consuming food. My days are always very busy and I will often sacrifice eating so I can carry on with what I am doing without interruption. I have always wanted to be free from eating and be able to really enjoy making and eating food on an occasional basis, say at the weekends, rather than the daily hassle of having to make one of your standard mid week recipes that you don't care about just because you have to.

So along can Soylent and I have been following it closely for a long time. It sounded perfect but then the price was announced and that put me off big time. My daily spend on food is no where near that much! I eat pretty healthily for the record, lots of fresh veg and the like with meat several times a week. So that gave me the idea of trying my own recipe with the focus on being cheap but without tasting grim. I am also making my own flour from the oats and barley flakes with a cheap blender, if you cant be bothered with that just buy ready made flour but it will put the price up.

Taste and reaction:

It has a reasonable taste, I find it pleasant enough and can drink it without any problem. I have added vanilla to it to good effect and also cocoa. It tastes a bit like corn flakes if I had to pick a way to describe it, which is odd considering the ingredients. It is smooth enough for me (considering I make my own flour), if you bought ready made flour it would be very smooth. Overall I find it quite neutral and a good base to add flavour to. It goes down well and doesn't coat the mouth. It leaves you feeling full and I haven't experienced any negative reactions to it. I have been consuming it for breakfast and lunch most days and for dinner 4 evenings a week for the last 2 weeks. Overall I feel great, much more alert and I feel like I have more energy. My weight has been constant, I am less hungry so eat less chocolate and snacks in the evenings.

Nutritional Information:

I designed my own nutrition profile to base my recipe on. It is the UK figures for nutritional requirements not RDA (apart from in a couple of cases where I couldn't find the data). It also has the maximum figures taken from a paper published in 2003 which details the safe maximum daily intake for each vitamin and mineral. You will see that some of these numbers are much lower than a lot of the other figures on other Soylent DIY profiles. For more information on this have a look at my profile here:

UK 19-50 Male Nutritional Guidelines 2500Kcal - UK Gov figures- Hububalli


As with most soylent DIY you will get the best results by blending the ingredients. To answer the usual question, the specified amounts are 1 days worth, which can be divided up in to as many meals as you like in that 24 hour period. I got a cheap blender for £9.99 and it works perfectly well, I even used it to make the flours for some of the ingredients (feel free to buy ready made flours but it puts the price up) My suggestion is to blend the dry ingredients first (I crushed my tablets in it too but you can take those separately if you want), then half the water, then the malt extract and the oils, then the rest of the water. A total of 2.5 litres works well for me as a days worth and it gives a good texture, feel free to add more or less as you see fit.

A note on some of the tablets:

As you may have seen some of the tablets are very small quantities. The Biotin tablets are at 0.05 per day, this equals 1/4 of a tablet every 5 days. I would like to replace this tablet with a powder but cant source anything suitable, don't worry too much about getting a perfect quarter, even at 0.05 of a tablet you are still getting 560% of your daily intake so a bit more or less wont matter that much, if you want to make it easier just take .25 of a tablet daily and you will still be well within the maximum range but have bullet proof finger nails and the mane of Samson. The vitamin A tablets are at 0.2 per day which equals 1 tablet every 5 days, again you can take .25 of a tablet and it is well within the maximum. Then the calcium + vitamin D are simply 1/2 a tablet a day. I know this isn't ideal but it is the best solution at the moment. You could of course crush the tablet and weigh it, then divide it up as necessary if you really wanted to.

5 days recipe:

Mix the ingredients as follows for a 5 day supply:

Container 1 (holds 5kg): Dry

Container 2 (holds 2L): Wet

Combine all the dry ingredients and mix, OPTIONAL - Crush all the tablets and mix the powders together and THOROUGHLY mix into the dry ingredients. The oil, barley malt and yeast extract can be mixed and kept in container 2.

To mix each days drink:

5 tbsp of powder mix, 2 tbsp Thoroughly shaken oil mix, If you didn't add your tablets to the dry mix then get those ready to take separately. 1000ml water and mix 1500ml water and mix.

To mix a single drink (based on having 3 of these a day):

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Day
52% Carb, 12% Protein, 36% Fat
% Daily Values*
Total Carbohydrate318g
Dietary Fiber 37g
Total Fat96g
Saturated Fat9g
Monounsaturated Fat53g
Polyunsaturated Fat32g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids8g
Omega-6 Fatty Acids24g
Vitamin A
Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Pantothenic Acid
* Percent Daily Values are based on "UK 19-50 Male Nutritional Guidelines 2500Kcal - UK figures". You may use the Nutrient Calculator to personalise your own profile, then select it from the list on the Recipe Editor tab.
Nutrient Profile: UK 19-50 Male Nutritional Guidelines 2500Kcal - UK figuresChange

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