QuidNYC's DRI for Him: Male, 31-50

by QuidNYCLast updated February 18, 2017
Macro NutrientsAmountMax
Calories (kcal)17001850
Carbohydrates (g)0
Protein (g)99101
Total Fat (g)0
Saturated Fat (g)0
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)2.6821
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)2.06
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)0.62
Total Fiber (g)25.9
Soluble Fiber (g)0
Insoluble Fiber (g)0
Cholesterol (mg)0

Nutrient amounts reviewed by:

  • QuidNYC
  • abemore
  • utdrmac
  • Moto
Vitamin A (IU)300010000
Vitamin B6 (mg)1.3200
Vitamin B12 (ug)2.4
Vitamin C (mg)902000
Vitamin D (IU)6004000
Vitamin E (IU)22.51500
Vitamin K (ug)120
Thiamin (mg)1.2
Riboflavin (mg)1.3
Niacin (mg)163000
Folate (ug)320
Pantothenic Acid (mg)5
Biotin (ug)30
Choline (mg)5503500
Calcium (g)12.5
Chloride (g)2.33.6
Chromium (ug)35
Copper (mg)0.910
Iodine (ug)951100
Iron (mg)845
Magnesium (mg)420
Manganese (mg)2.311
Molybdenum (ug)452000
Phosphorus (g)0.584
Potassium (g)2.7
Selenium (ug)55400
Sodium (g)1.52.3
Sulfur (g)1.235
Zinc (mg)1140
Compare to:

Reference: http://www.iom.edu/Activities/Nutrition/SummaryDRIs/~/media/Files/Activity%20Files/Nutrition/DRIs/5_Summary%20Table%20Tables%201-4.pdf

  1. The ratio of carbs / protein / fat has been modified to reflect a lower carb, higher protein balance suitable for healthy weight loss in my individual case; you should likewise adjust to fit your own dietary needs.

  2. Dietary fiber intake is based on the IOM recommendation of 14g / 1,000kcal total energy.

  3. The targets for folate, phosphorous, and iodine are set to the IOM's estimated average requirements (rather than the DRI). The max level for Vitamin B6 is set to the IOM's no-observed-adverse-effect level.

  4. The data used to establish the IOM's AI for potassium are actually rather weak. After reviewing the limited set of studies they considered, I see no compelling evidence favoring potassium intake in excess of 2.7g per day -- particularly in a dietary setting where sodium intake is tightly controlled (as with soylent).

  5. The target ratio of ω-6 to ω-3 PUFA is between 2.3:1 and 1:1 (the standard American diet tends to be much higher). In addition, the ω-6 DRI is significantly reduced based on adequate ω-3 intake. For reference, studies have shown that ω-6 deficiencies are eliminated by 1-2% of calories as LA if the diet has no ω-3 (http://pmid.us/20102846), and by just 0.3% of calories as LA if the diet has over 1% ω-3 (http://pmid.us/14559071). Thus, a little ω-3 in the diet reduces the requirement for ω-6. The upper boundary is based on 10% of total energy from PUFA in all forms, which serves to limit the potential for oxidative stress from excessive PUFA intake (which remains a concern even when taken in carefully protected forms near the ideal ratio of ω-6 to ω-3).

  6. The figure for dietary sulfur is derived from the sulfur amino acid (SAA) requirement recommended by WHO: 13 mg/kg per 24 h in healthy adults.